If I go to a meeting, will I have to talk? |
No one is required to talk at any meeting. We understand how difficult that can be when our grief is so fresh. We only ask that you listen. |
My child was an adult and didn't live at home. Can I still go to a meeting? |
Chapter meetings are open to all families who have experienced the death of a child, at any age, from any cause. Regardless of age, we in TCF believe our children will always be thought of as just that - our children. |
Is there a charge to attend? |
There is never a charge to attend a TCF meeting. Our chapters rely on voluntary donations from members, friends and the community. |
What happens at a meeting? |
We begin our meetings by introducing ourselves and our children. Then we divide into groups of 10-12 to share our thoughts and feelings, our pain and our hopes. Present in each group are bereaved parents who are further along in their "grief journey", as well as some who are more newly bereaved. Each meeting ends with refreshments and social time - all in an environment of understanding that can only come from others who have "been there". |
Can I bring a friend with me? |
Of course you can bring a friend, but we ask that they, as well as all members, respect each other's privacy. It is important for us to be able to share freely within our group and be sure confidences will be respected. |
My husband says he won't come with me. Can I come alone? |
Yes. We all grieve differently, and he may not be ready to take part just yet - or ever. And, likewise, many husbands attend meetings without their wives. |
My child died from AIDS, will I still be welcome? |
Yes. All families who have experienced the death of a child at any age, from any cause, are welcome. |
Religion doesn't matter to me anymore. Can people at a meeting accept that? |
TCF members are tolerant of any view. After the death of a child, many priorities, as well as values, change. |
I noticed the meeting is in a church, do I have to belong to a church to attend? |
TCF has no religious affiliation at all. Chapters meetings are held in a wide variety of locations depending upon what is available in our communities. |
I have baby-sitting problems. Would it be alright to bring my five year old with me? |
While we understand the difficulties of finding child care, we must ask that any children attending with you be mature enough to participate as an adult. |
Do I need a reservation before I come to a meeting? |
No reservations are needed. Just come whenever you feel up to it. |
My child died seven years ago, now it's catching up with me. Is it too late to come now? |
We all grieve differently. Many parents don't feel the need of a support group until years after the death of a child. It's all right to come whenever you are ready, whether it's soon after your child's death
, months later or years later. |